Homeschool Tutoring

Located in Huntsville and in Madison

We offer tutoring services in Madison and in South Huntsville. One-one-one tutoring is $50/hr and is scheduled at your convenience. We also have a Tutoring Program in which there is a small ratio of students to tutor. We have our own curriculum and assessments that we can use to help students master core subjects and computer subjects or students can bring in their own material. The Tutoring Program is $25/hr, except in Madison from 1pm-3pm in which it is only $10/hr for our current homeschool students that are taking classes with us. We also have a Learn & Play Program in Madison for kids that includes 20 minutes of tutoring and lessons and 40 minutes of play. This program is from 8am-9am and 1pm-8:30pm for only $10/hr.

Please contact us if you would like to start one-on-one tutoring. The Tutoring Program and Learn and Play Program are drop-in programs that do not need prior registration. Please contact us if you have any questions!